早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


11:He finds it hard to _____ his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.
1.drive 2.see 3.focus 4.attend
12:They _____ laughter at the sight of us.
1.ran into 2.burst into 3.burst out 4.went into
13:Some people say that the detailed organizational life of ants should be attributed to their_____.
1.distinct 2.subject 3.instinct 4.feature
14:Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural ______ of energy: the sun, the sea, the wind and hot springs.
1.image 2.appearance 3.sources 4.cause
15:It is critical that we _______________ our concept of lifestyle nowadays.
1.are changing 2.will change 3.have changed 4.should change
16:Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full ______.
1.capacity 2.strength 3.length 4.possibility
17: Why didn’t you ask for help, ______ trying to do it on your own?
1.other than 2.rather than 3.more than 4.less than
18:The city government promises to ______ the problem of unemployment in real earnest.
1.postphone 2.tackle 3.compose 4.anticipate
19:Railroad tunnels, however, _____ the construction engineer with some unique problems.
1.comfort 2.meet 3. confront 4.have
20:I can’t _____ a lot of noisy people when I’m working.
1.come up with 2.keep up with 3.give up with 4.put up with
11. 3C/ 12. 2B/ 13. 3C/ 14. 3C/ 15. 4D/ 16. 1A/ 17. 2B/ 18. 2B/ 19. 3C/ 20. 2B
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