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Albert Einstein offered us more than just the amazing theory of relativity and E=mc2.Through his persistence in his discoveries in science,Einstein shined a light on how each of us can do the impossible by working hard,experiencing failure,and valuing people.(36)___
●Simplify Your Work
"If you can't explain it to a six years old,you don't understand it yourself."-Albert Einstein
 The more complicated you have to make something seem,the more you do not understand the inner workings of it.(37)___Did they make even the most complicated topics full of vocabulary that you did not understand or did they make it easier to understand by simplifying?
●Live in the Present
"I never think of the future-it comes soon enough."-Albert Einstein
(38)___You can try to get yourself worried about the future and make plans that may not work out according to plans.What matters most is living now,today.Do your best right now and do not worry about tomorrow.
●Work Towards the Impossible
"Only those who attempt the absurd(荒谬的) can achieve the impossible."-Albert Einstein
If it seems ridiculous to others and you are willing to take the risk,then you are able to achieve the impossible.(39)___You complete what was once an obstacle.
●Value People
"Life isn't worth living; unless it is lived for someone else."-Albert Einstein
If you put people first,they will value you and consider you a person who genuinely cares about others.(40)___Show them that you value them.Thank them and send compliments their way.It will not only make their day better,but they will appreciate it and remember what you have done for them.

A.Spend at least a few minutes out of your busy day talking with people without any distraction.
B.Scientists in different fields are interested in the unique theory of relativity.
C.When you go beyond what others think is reasonable,an amazing thing starts to happen.
D.Think differently,and you may find your answer.
E.Even if you are not a scientist,you can apply these life lessons to your own life.
F.You are only guaranteed the moment that you have right now,at this moment.
G.Think about the best teachers that you have had in your life.
36.E 根据E选项  these life lessons中指示代词these"指代上文提到的人或物也可引出将要提及的人或物"可知"这些生活道理"即指前面一句中…working hard,experiencing failure,and valuing people"努力奋斗,经历失败和珍视他人",也引出了下文的小标题Simplify Your Work,Live in the Present,Work Towards the Impossible,Value People.故选E.
37.G 根据横线后一句句意"他们是用生僻难懂的词语来表达主题还是言简意赅地表达?"这种选择是判断老师好坏的一个标准.上下文句意连贯完整,故选G.
38.F 根据此部分的小标题Live in the Present"活在当下"可知,F选项的句意"你唯一能够得到保障的时光就在此时此刻."right now,at this moment与the present相呼应.故选F.
39.C 根据横线前面一句中的it seems ridiculous"别人认为荒谬的"与C选项中go beyond what others think is reasonable"打破别人眼中的常规"两句中的ridiculous(荒谬的)与reasonable(合理的)相对应.故选C.
40.A 根据横线后一句Show them that you value them."展示你对他们的重视",可通过"从繁忙的工作中抽出一些时间与他人不受干扰地交流"来实现和体现.故选A.