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     Russia takes pride in its circus (马戏) performers.The oldest circus school in the world--Moscow
Circus School owns the best circus performers.(1) Every year more than a thousand children from other
countries want to enter this school
.However,only about 70 of them are chosen.The students must be less
than eleven years old.They must be talented and good at sports as well.
     Students at the Moscow Circus School learn a lot.(2)_______ the same basic (基础) subjects as those
in other schools,they have to learn four circus subjects.Those subjects sound fun,but they are difficult to
learn.For example,it can take years of practice for a student to walk on the high wire.While learning and
practicing,the students always wear safety belts.So if they make mistakes,they will not get (3) _________.
    After seven years of study,the students are supposed to leave school.The graduates usually work in the
circuses and can make a lot of money.
     Russia is proud of its circus performers.
3.Which students can enter the oldest circus school in the world?
    (2)____________ (3)____________
1.Russia takes pride in its circus(马戏) performers.
3.Those who are less than eleven years old.They must be talented and good at sports as well.
5.The oldest circus school in the world--Moscow Circus School owns the best circus performers.
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