早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
关于either or 和 neither nor的例句各五句
either or :
1.Either you or I can go there tomorrow.
2.I either stay at home or go shopping.
3.We could choose to eat either noodles or rice .
4.They are going there either by train or by air.
5.When the girl is happy,she either sings or dances.
neither nor:
1.Neither they nor she is good at drawing.
2.Neither Jim nor Tom likes football.
3.He can speak neither Japanese nor Chinese.
4.My math teacher is a middle-aged woman.She is neither short nor tall,neither nor heavy nor thin.
5.Neither I nor anyone can judge them here .
1.Either you or I can go there tomorrow.
2.I either stay at home or go shopping.
3.We could choose to eat either noodles or rice .
4.They are going there either by train or by air.
5.When the girl is happy,she either sings or dances.
neither nor:
1.Neither they nor she is good at drawing.
2.Neither Jim nor Tom likes football.
3.He can speak neither Japanese nor Chinese.
4.My math teacher is a middle-aged woman.She is neither short nor tall,neither nor heavy nor thin.
5.Neither I nor anyone can judge them here .
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