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SAT语法题!though still yet
Q:The political process in the United states is dominated by the Democratic and Republican parties,(other parties can still influence the nation's political life,though.)
B:still,other parties can influence the nation's pilitical life.
C:other parties,however,can still influence the nation's political life.
D:however,other parties can still influence the nation's political life.
E:though other parties can still influence the nation's political life.
正确答案 (E).(E) 有连词 though,引起从句;句中的 still 是副词.
(A)、(B)、(C) 和 (D) 都将使句子成 run-on sentence (一种 SAT 里的高频错误现象).
句子需要连词引起从句或并列句 (以避免 run-on sentence):
(A) 无连词;置于句尾 (或句中) 的 though 是副词,意为 "但是".
(B) 中 still 虽可作连词,但那个逗号坏事了!去掉逗号即可,虽属非正式用法.
(C) 项无连词;这样用的 however 是副词.
(D) (同 (C))
很多人不懂副词 however 在 SAT 考试里在句中使用时呈现的几种情况.
密切观察标点符号 (当然也包括大小写),不是以下情形之一的就有问题:
a.... parties.However,other parties can still influence the nation's political life.
b.... parties; however,other parties can still influence the nation's political life.
c.... parties.Other parties,however, can still influence the nation's political life.
很多 SAT 题练习者极其不注意标点符号,这是十分错误的.标点符号是 SAT 考试的一个很重要的方面!非常多的情况下,一个备选项不能选就是因为其标点符号是错误的.SAT 测试的主要是标准语言,一个人若不准确使用标点符号,其语言就不会真正标准!这大概也就是另一种美国考试 ACT 更强调标点符号的一个重要原因吧.