Surfing is the name for riding ocean waves on special boards. Did you know that surfing has been around for more than 200 years? At first the sport was rougher and harder than it is today.
For one thing the early surfboards were heavy. They weighed as much as 150 pounds. A surfer needed great strength just to get the board from the beach to the water! Also the early surfers didn’t ride standing up. They rode just lying on their stomachs. That was the only way to control the large board.
Those surfers lived in the islands of Polynesia in the South Pacific. In 1778 the surfers took the sport to Hawaii. There surfing quickly became popular. The beaches and waves of Hawaii are perfect for surfing.
In 1970 George Freeth was the first person to ride a wave in the United States. He surfed in Redondo Beach in California. For years the sport of surfing spread slowly. In the 1950s surfing was known as a young people’s sport because mostly young people seemed to enjoy it. In 1961 rules for surfers were written. The surfers themselves along with some surfboard companies made up the rules.
Today surfers are looked upon as sportsmen. Southern California is still the surfing center of the United States. Thousands of people surf there. Thousands more are fans of famous surfers. Surfing is here to stay.
Surfers must still be strong. To surf a person should be able to swim well both on top of and under the water. A surfer must also be able to float for a long time. A good surfer must keep his or her eyes open at all times even underwater.
1.Was surfing an easy sport at first?
2.How did the early surfers control the surfboard?
3.Why did the sport of surfing quickly become popular in Hawaii?
4.Who made up the rules for surfers?
5.What is the main idea of this passage?
1. No it isn’t .2.By lying on their stomaches
3. Because the beaches and waves of Hawaii are perfect for surfing
4.The surfers and some surboard companies
5.The history of surfing
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