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英语作文 有要求的!
where does happiness lie?
3怎样才是一个幸福的人 写一篇作文,要有这三点的~120字内
where does happiness lie?
3怎样才是一个幸福的人 写一篇作文,要有这三点的~120字内
Where does happiness lie?
Happiness has become one of the most popular topics in the world.But where does happiness lie?Actually,everything in our lives can make you feel happy.It depends on your thoughts.You can find happiness in the bottom of your hearts easily if you have bright eyes.
And we all care about how to be a happy person.In fact,it's not so difficult.You must keep smile and cool when you face difficulties.And you need think about yourselves and the other persons.Think whether you are the worst one.If you are not,why don't you be happy?If you keep a happy heart,you will always be happy.
You should believe,the world is what you think it is.If you think you are not happy,you will always be sad.So smile at the world and it will smile back!
Happiness has become one of the most popular topics in the world.But where does happiness lie?Actually,everything in our lives can make you feel happy.It depends on your thoughts.You can find happiness in the bottom of your hearts easily if you have bright eyes.
And we all care about how to be a happy person.In fact,it's not so difficult.You must keep smile and cool when you face difficulties.And you need think about yourselves and the other persons.Think whether you are the worst one.If you are not,why don't you be happy?If you keep a happy heart,you will always be happy.
You should believe,the world is what you think it is.If you think you are not happy,you will always be sad.So smile at the world and it will smile back!
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