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     Millions of words have been said about young people in the United States. There are reasons (1) ____ this
great interest in their ideas, (2)_____ (feel) and actions. Today there are about eight million Americans in the
colleges and universities. The young people under twenty-five (3) _____ up nearly half of the American
population, many of (4) __ will be in power in the near future. (5) ____ (nature), their ideas are important to
everyone in the country, and (6)_____ is necessary for the older people to understand (7)_____ they think and
feel. College students today have strong opinions about right and(8) . They are deeply interested in making a
(9) ___ (good) life for all the people, (10) e____for those who have never been given a fair chance before.

1. for 2. feelings 3. make 4. whom 5. Naturally
6. it 7. how 8. wrong 9. better 10. especially

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