Coal miner( 矿工 ) work under the earth to collect coal( 煤炭 ). They have dangerous jobs because occasionally the earth sinks or falls apart. When this happens miners are trapped underground. They are buried. If they don’t have air to breathe food to eat and water to drink they will die. They can’t go without any of these things for long but the first is the most important. It is difficult to figure out( 计算出,推断 ) where miners are and reach them. Trapped miners dream of being saved and don’t give up.
In July 2002 nine miners went to work in Pennsylvania. All of a sudden there was a terrible accident. A wall broke apart and water flooded the area where the miners were working. It came up to their collars( 衣领 ). At first the miners shouted but no one could hear them. Luckily people on the surface figured out where the miners were and dug a breathing hole. Later they gave them messages from their families. Many people took part in helping to save them. After a period of several days they brought the trapped miners to the surface alive.
1. The best title for this story is ___________.
A. A Miner’s Accident B. Dreams Came Ture
C. A Dangerous Job D. A Cruel Message
2. Where was the accident?
A. Underground B. On the surface C. Underwater D. Beside a wall.
3. What is most important to trapped miners?
A. Water. B. Air. C. Work. D. Food.
4. When people figured out where the miners were they first gave them ___________.
A. drinking water B. family messages C. a loud shout D. fresh air
5. The lesson of this story is ____________.
A. don’t do dangerous work B. eat a good lunch at work
C. never give up hope D. learn to swim
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