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Deviated from the orbit of Mercury Zhengyuan great extent,the sun only recently Pitch 46001000 meters,far points on 7 10001000 meters have,in recent days at the track it in a very slow speed by running forward precession around the sun (precession:Axis from moving into the spring equinox,the slow westward run,the annual rate of 0.2 ",about 25,800 years running a week to return to the star than the short phenomenon.Precession,and the two planets precession,which is determined by planetary gravity of the ecliptic Arising from the changes.) In the 19th century,astronomers radius of the orbit of Mercury had a very careful observation,but were unable to use Newton's mechanics to make the appropriate explanation.Exists in the actual observation to notice the value and values between the Is a subtle difference in the secondary (per one-seventh of the Millennium difference) but plagued by astronomers for decades the issue.Some people think that in and around the orbit of Mercury on the existence of a planet other (sometimes known as the Vulcan,"Vulcan Star "),which to explain these differences,the results of the final answer quite dramatic:Einstein's general theory of relativity.Acceptable in the early recognition of this theory,Mercury running the correct notice is a very important factor.(Mercury Because the sun's gravitational field and turn around its public,and the sun is extremely enormous gravitational field,according to general relativity point of view,the quality of a gravitational field,the gravitational field can be regarded as quality,the giant gravitational field can be seen as quality,a small gravitational field,Deviated from its orbit to the public.Electromagnetic waves similar to the divergence,changes in the magnetic field generated,changes in the magnetic field produced,transmitted to the distance.- Yi Zhu)
In 1962,people have always thought that Mercury's rotation week to week and the time is the same,so that the face of the sun's side always the same.This moon is always the same face toward Earth-is very similar.But in 1965,through the Doppler radar observed that this theory is wrong.Now that we have to Mercury in the two weeks of the rotation three weeks,Mercury is the only known solar system in the current cycle of revolution and rotation cycles were not fixed ratio of 1:1 objects.
Because of these circumstances and Mercury orbit extreme departure from Zheng Yuan,will allow the observers to see Mercury very strange scene,in a certain longitude observers will see when the sun rises later,with its slow-moving towards zenith ,Will gradually clear that increased size.Zenith in the sun will come to a halt,after a brief setback process,stalled again,and then continue its journey to the horizon,and obviously reduced.In the meantime,the stars who will be three times faster Cang shoot with the speed of air.Mercury surface in some other place of the observer will see a different but the same is unusual movements of celestial bodies.
Mercury's temperature is the largest of the solar system,the temperature range of 90 to 700 open open.By contrast,the temperature slightly higher than those of Venus,but more stable.
Mercury and the Moon in many ways similar to its many craters on the surface but very old; It also did not plate movement.On the other hand,Mercury's density is much greater than the moon,(Mercury 5.43 g / cc moon 3.34 g / cc).Mercury is the only planet in the solar system,the second largest density of the celestial bodies.In fact some of the high density of Earth's gravity from the compression; or so,Mercury will be greater than the density of Earth,Mercury This shows that the Earth's iron core than some relatively big,may constitute a majority of the planet.Therefore,relatively speaking,only Mercury lap thin silicate mantle and crust.
Enormous iron core radius of 1,800 to 1,900 km,is within the Mercury dominate.Portland shell and only 500 to 600 km thick,at least part of a core melt-around.
In fact the atmosphere is very thin Mercury,the solar wind from the destruction of the atoms.Mercury temperature so high,making these atoms quickly fugitive to space,so with the Earth and the atmosphere of Venus and stable compared to the Mercury was added to the atmosphere frequent replacement.
Mercury's surface shown great radical slant,some reach several hundred kilometers long,3,000 meters high.Some cross the outer ring in the crater,while others face of the radical slant that they were formed by compression.It is estimated that the surface of Mercury contracted by about 0.1 percent (or in a descending on the planet radius of about 1 km).
Mercury's largest geomorphological features is one of Caloris Basin,about 1,300 kilometers in diameter,and people think it's largest moon Maria Basin similar.As the moon Basin,Caloris Basin is likely formed in the solar system early in the collision,the collision was probably caused by a planet at the same time the other side of the basin is the strange terrain.
In addition to the terrain covered with craters,Mercury has a relatively flat plain,some may be the result of ancient volcanic movement,but some is probably formed by meteorite out of the deposition results.
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