早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The Sun,the Earth and the Moon
The sun is a fixed star.It is very,very hot and it gives out heat and light.Nine planets move around it.The earth is one of them.As far as we know the earth is the only planet with life on it.The earth has air and water and it gets heat and light from the sun.Life needs air,water,heat and light.
The earth moves around the sun.It turns itself,too.It turns from west to east.
The earth has a satellite--the moon.The moon moves around the earth.There is no air or water on the moon,so there is no life there.
The Sun,the Earth and the Moon
The sun is a fixed star.It is very,very hot and it gives out heat and light.Nine planets move around it.The earth is one of them.As far as we know the earth is the only planet with life on it.The earth has air and water and it gets heat and light from the sun.Life needs air,water,heat and light.
The earth moves around the sun.It turns itself,too.It turns from west to east.
The earth has a satellite--the moon.The moon moves around the earth.There is no air or water on the moon,so there is no life there.
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