早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



1. Violence           ( 突然发生 爆发 )after the football match.

2. The big fire                 ( 毁坏 摧毁 )the whole house.

3. If we want everyone to be healthy             ( 富有的 )and happy strict birth control is quite essential.

4. A           ( 业的 商务的 )college teaches us things that would be useful in business.

5.            ( 渐渐地 ) he came to realize wh at the teacher said.

6. There are many            ( 火山 )in this area.

7. According to the           ( 文件 ) all the people left the city200years ago.

8. They were clearing up when the second bomb           ( 爆炸 ).

9. When he was young he was           ( 教育 )at Harvard University.

10. The kind of fish is           ( 有毒的 )if it is not cooked well.


  1. erupted     2. destroyed/ruined        3. wealthy          4. commercial

5. Gradually        6. volcanoes        7. document         8. exploded

9. educated         10. poisonous

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