早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
初3英语有几个题目 急!大家帮帮忙!
1.Wear green can make peopie feel energetic if they feel tired or weak
2.Old peopie would rather live in a peace place in the country than in the city
3.When I have difficulty making a decision,I preper asking for my father's help
1.'Kitty prepers red to green.'means_____.
A.Kitty likes red better than green
B.Green is Kitty;s favourite colour
C.Kitty likes red best
D.Kitty likes green brtter than red
1.Wear green can make peopie feel energetic if they feel tired or weak
2.Old peopie would rather live in a peace place in the country than in the city
3.When I have difficulty making a decision,I preper asking for my father's help
1.'Kitty prepers red to green.'means_____.
A.Kitty likes red better than green
B.Green is Kitty;s favourite colour
C.Kitty likes red best
D.Kitty likes green brtter than red
1.Wearing green can make peopie feel energetic if they feel tired or weak .
2.Old people would rather live in a peaceful place in the country than in the city
3.When I have difficulties in making a decision,I prefer asking for my father's help
2.Old people would rather live in a peaceful place in the country than in the city
3.When I have difficulties in making a decision,I prefer asking for my father's help
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