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A brief introduction of NINGBO!
Ningbo is a city bordering on the East China Sea.It is located in the middle of the mainland coast-line and the south of Yangze River Delta.With Zhoushan Archipelago as its natural defense in the east,bordering on Hangzhou Bay in the north,and adjacent to Sanment of Taizhou and Tiantai in the south,Ningbo is an important port city in the south-east coastal area and the economic center of South Yangze River Delta.
Ningbo offers a subtropical monsoon climate featuring moderate temperature,humid air and distinct seasons.The average temperature in Ningbo is 16.2℃,with the highest 28.8℃ in July and the lowest 4.2℃ in January.The annual no-frost period lasts 230 –240 days.The annual precipitation ranges from 1300-1400 mm,60% of which is during May to September.
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