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英译汉 急
Quantitative analysis—daytime surface temperature distribution across different land use types
A 3D temperature profile (Fig. 4) of daytime surface temperature distribution in Singapore were generated using ArcMap. The analysis results reveal that industrial area and airport have higher daytime surface temperature than residential and commercial areas, which support the hypothesis. However, against the
hypothesis, the daytime surface temperature is higher in residential area than in commercial area. This may be explained that residential area normally has more green areas surrounding the buildings, as compared to the shortage of open space to promote evaporation in the commercial and business areas where high-rise buildings are congested.
For the weighted average temperature of every land use type, as expected, the quantitative analysis results reflect that human structure area has much higher daytime mean surface temperature (38.39 1C) than vegetation area (34.17 1C) (Fig. 5). The analysis results also partly support the hypothesis that industrial area
has the highest daytime mean surface temperature 39.69 1C, while the park area has the lowest daytime mean surface temperature 34.29 1C. However, the analysis results reveal that commercial area (38.3 1C) and business area (37.41 1C) have higher daytime mean surface temperature than airport (37.34 1C). This may be explained by the shortage of open space to promote evaporation in the commercial and business areas. As shown in
Fig. 6, residential area is the second coolest land use type among the analyzed seven land use types (36.51 1C), which may be due to the neighborhood green areas surrounding residential buildings.

The industrial land use type has the most obvious influence on the daytime urban surface temperature. The daytime surface temperature distributions of five land use types (commercial and residential, business, commercial, residential, and park) concentrate within relatively narrow ranges compared to that of the other two land use types (industrial and airport) which have much wider ranges. This may be caused by the relatively uniform land feature and building density within the first five land use types compared to the variety of land feature and density in the other two especially airport.
三维温度分布(图4 )的白天表面温度分布在新加坡产生的使用ArcMap .分析结果表明,工业区和机场具有较高的白天地表温度超过住宅和商业领域,它支持的假说.然而,对
为加权平均温度的每一块土地利用类型,正如所料,定量分析的结果反映了这一地区的人力结构要高得多白天表面平均温度( 38.39 1C )款超过植被面积( 34.17 1C号) (图5 ) .分析结果也部分支持这一假设工业区
具有最高的白天表面平均温度39.69 1C号,而停车区最低白天表面平均温度34.29 1C号.然而,分析结果表明,商业领域( 38.3 1C号)和业务领域( 37.41 1C号)具有较高的白天表面平均温度比机场( 37.34 1C号) .这可能被解释为缺乏休憩用地,以促进蒸发在商业和业务领域.所示
图.6 ,居住区是第二个最酷的土地利用类型的分析,7个土地利用类型( 36.51 1C号) ,这可能是由于周边社区绿色住宅楼宇.
工业土地利用类型的最明显的影响,白天的城市地表温度.白天地表温度分布的5个土地利用类型(商业和住宅,商业,商业,住宅,和公园)集中在相对狭窄的范围相对于其他两个土地利用类型(工业和机场) ,其中具有更广泛的范围.这可能是所造成的相对统一的土地功能和建筑密度的第一个五年内的土地利用方式相比,土地的各种功能和密度在其他两个特别是机场.
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