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安装了 1 个处理器.[01]:Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel 2400 Mhz
魔方信息报告里面显示安装了 1 个处理器.
[01]:Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel 2400 Mhz


Intel64 - 说明这是一个64位的处理器;

Family/Model/Stepping - 这三个是CPU的技术命名体系,根据Intel自己的说明:

Family - CPU产品系列代号,说明处理器属于第几代产品.
Identifies the Intel processor generation and brand. (For example, the Pentium® III processor is a sixth generation processor.)
6 表示 P6级芯片,

Model - 型号, CPU属于其系列中的哪一代的代号.Family和Model通常是相互配合使用的,用以确定处理器是属于处理器系列中的哪一种特定类型.
Identifies the processor
manufacturing technology and design generation. This information is used
to help determine the internal designation of the processor.

Stepping Message - CPU属于制作更新版本.Stepping ID(步进)也叫分级鉴别产品数据转换规范,
Identifies design or
manufacturing revision data for production Intel processors. This
information is used to determine the internal design or manufacturing
characteristics of the processor.

GenuineIntel 是CPU制造商标示号vendor_id, 这里当然是Intel了.

2400MHz 是CPU的主频即2.4GHz.