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       Mum and dad came back home from vacation a day earlier than 76.______________. They 77.______________ wait to see their children Daniel and Eric. However when they arrived home they found their dog was tired hungry and 78.______________ and that the room was in a 79.______________ worse than ever before. They couldn’t 80.______________ it and shouted at Daniel because they thought they trusted him. They felt like they had to 81.______________ him.

       Daniel felt 82.______________ and he thought his parents should give him a chance to 83.______________ what had happened. Spot the dog was sick. They 84.______________ the Internet about how to look after a sick dog and also spent much time waiting in the clinic. They didn’t have time to clean the house as their parents required them to. Therefore Daniel ran to his room and shut the door which was really 85.______________.

       How could they end the fight?     

76. expected         77. could’t                   78. starving           79. mess              80. tolerate 81. punish            82. upset / angry           83. explain            84. surfed             85. rude
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