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为什么汉语不能成为世界语言 写篇英语作文120字左右
Recently,there was a discussion among some of my classmates concerning the reason that Chinese is not capable to be used as a universal language around the world.Opinions are divided into several groups.
Firstly,a language is taken as universal only when it is simple to study yet easy to understand.Being the current world-wide language,English is composed of 26 characters and all its words are constructed of these basic language elements.On the other hand,there are over thousands of commonly used characters in Chinese,each different from another,apart from other over tens of thousands of less used ones,which is due to the nature of Chinese being a hieroglyph.Most foreigners,even after an extending time of study,still cannot pronounce the most basic 4 intonation very well,let alone letting them understand and remember the respective unique meaning regarding each and every Chinese character.
Secondly,a universal language is produced by historical events.Dating back to the 15th century,England used to invade other countries and thereafter forced its colonies to admit English as their official language.In comparison,Chinese people,during the most prosperous periods of China,driven by their love of peace,never started or joined any invasive war against any other country around the world.Therefore,many foreign countries are not familiar with Chinese language at all,being a drawback for it to become universal.
Last but not least,economy of a country is also one important factor in deciding whether or not its language can be used widely.For instance,Japan,as a developed country,has a comparatively better economy status that China,a developing country,so its language is more oftenly used by foreigners regardless of the fact that there are over billions of people whose first language is Chinese,while there are only less than one billion citizens who can speak in Japanese.With the rocketing economy in China,our country surely will have the power to make our mother tongue as the future universal language around the world.
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