早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


( ) 1.My cousin said that she ______the movie three times.
A.has seen \x05 \x05B.had seen \x05 C.saw \x05 \x05D.seen
( ) 2.We ______ about it very carefully before we made the big decision.
A.had thought \x05 \x05B.have thought \x05 C.thought \x05 D.are thinking
( ) 3.You can’t speak to Jim.He _______to Canada.
A.has been \x05B.has gone \x05 C.went \x05D.had gone
( ) 4.By the end of last year the students _______ 3,000 words.
A.study \x05B.have studied \x05 C.had studied \x05 D.studied
( ) 5.I’m sure we ______ before.You look so familiar(熟悉的).
A.met \x05B.have met C.had met\x05 D.meet
( ) 6.She was tired and ______ quickly.
A.was sleep \x05B.falls asleep C.sleeps \x05D.fell asleep
( ) 7.______of us are from China.
A.Both \x05B.The both C.One \x05D.Both two
( ) 8.I ______my glasses everywhere.
A.looked out B.looked C.looked for \x05D.found
1.I could not find my pen everywhere._________
2.Every coin have two sides._________
3.He droped some coins on the floor._________
4.My wife is cooking while I was working in the garden._________
5.Just as I was opening the door,the telephone rung._________
6.Two thiefs entered the dining room last night._________
7.Too late!It had yet happened._________
8.He heard her voice and opened the light._________
改错1.everywhere改为 anywhere 2.have改为has3droped改为dropped.4is改为was5..rung.改为rang 6.thiefs改为 thieves 7.yet改为 already 8.opened改为 turn on