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His famous parents might be worth(:身价)£165 million,but it seems Brooklyn

Beckham decides not to depend on them.Instead,the 15-year-old boy is learning the real meaning of money…by making his own.

Brooklyn Beckham,Victoria and David Beckham’s eldest child,has started a weekend job at a West London coffee shop where he is paid£2.68 an hour.A member of staff said that Brooklyn did start working in the shop and got on OK with other members.News of his decision to make his own money and not depend on his rich parents made him a good model for other teenagers.

Last year Beckham,who had retired from football,said,“We try to lead by example,by showing them it’s important to work hard.”And one friend of his family said that Brooklyn would have been encouraged to take the job by his parents.

Children who grow up in different cultures have different views on money.

In many western countries,children are usually taught to believe that money is made instead of being given.They usually buy things with their own pocket money.They take up part-time jobs in their free time.However,most of the Chinese children don’t have any conscious(意识)of making money through their own hard work.Some children think that their parents will support them forever.Whenever they meet difficulties,they will turn to their parents or friends for help.Why can’t they solve these problems by their own? The main reason is that they are always depending on others.In fact,they have got the ability to work out these easy problems.

Children in western countries show their independence(独立性).They take pride in themselves by making their own decisions.Many Chinese children,however,are still looking to their parents or even their grandparents to tell them what to do or which job they should choose.

As secondary school students,we should learn to be more independent.We should find some new ways to solve old problems.What we are learning in schol or after school now will be very helpful some day.To us students who want to make great achievements in the future,it is the most important to learn how to be independent.

1. From this article,we know that Brooklyn Beckham

A.is Victoria and David Beckham’s youngest son

B.is a good model for other teenagers

C.depends on his parents and grandparents

D.gets on badly with other members in the coffee shop

2. Children in western countries don’t ask their parents for money because

A.their parents want them to study very hard

B.their family is not rich enough to support them

C.they think money is given instead of being made

D.they think money is made instead of being given

3. According to the passage,we know that some Chinese children

A.don’t depend on their parents at all

B.can make their own decisions easily

C.think their parents will support them forever

D.often take up part-time jobs in their free time

4. is the best title of this article.

A.Be More Independent

B.David Beckham’s Good Son

C.Children in Western Countries

D.Different Ways to Use Money



分 析:
这篇文章讲述了东西方孩子们金钱观的不同。西方孩子从小被教导钱要自己挣。而中国有很多孩子则希望父母永远养着自己。并举了布鲁克林·贝克汉姆的例子。虽然他有有名的父母,但是他却选择靠自己努力挣钱,成为了很多青少年的榜样。1.细节理解题。句意:从文章中我们知道布鲁克林·贝克汉姆是怎么样的?根据文中第三段:News of his decision to make his own money and not depend on his rich parents made him a good model for other teenagers.他决定自己挣钱不依赖父母的新闻,使他成为了其他青年的偶像。故选B。2.细节理解题。句意:西方国家的孩子不向父母要钱是因为什么?根据第六段中:In many western countries,children are usually taught to believe that money is made instead of being given.在很多西方国家,很多孩子就被教导钱不是要的,而是靠自己挣的。故选C。3.细节理解题。句意:根据文章,我们知道一些中国的孩子是怎么样的?根据文中However,most of the Chinese children don’t have any conscious(意识)of making money through their own hard work.Some children think that their parents will support them forever。然而,大多数中国孩子没有通过自己努力工作挣钱的意识。一些孩子认为他们的父母应该永远养着他们。故选C。4.标题归纳题。句意:这篇文章那个最后的标题是什么?根据文章中列举了贝克汉姆的小儿子,西方的小孩,中国的小孩,并说了他们对金钱的独立性,故选A。