早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Indeed,any modification would require a complete change in type of material used to manufacture fibres.All attempts have been generally abandoned and in any case would result in new designs,new developments,new qualification efforts,new manufacture techniques and plants for fibre,as well as lasers,photodiodes and other opto-electronic components.
Indeed,any modification would require a complete change in type of material used to manufacture fibres.All attempts have been generally abandoned and in any case would result in new designs,new developments,new qualification efforts,new manufacture techniques and plants for fibre,as well as lasers,photodiodes and other opto-electronic components.
Indeed,any modification would require a complete change in type of material used to manufacture fibres.确实,任何修改都要求完全改变制造光纤所用的材料的类型.All attempts have been generally abandoned and in any case would result in new designs,new developments,new qualification efforts,new manufacture techniques and plants for fibre,as well as lasers,photodiodes and other opto-electronic components.所有尝试总的来说都已放弃,而且在任何情况下都导致了新的结构、新的认证努力,新的制造技术和用于光纤的设备,以及激光器.光电二极管及其他光电子元件.
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