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Benjamin Franklin and Henry Thoreau declared the power of human reason and the divinity of human being,which enabled the development of the American Dream,that individual could pave his own road and achieve success.The ability of human to use pure reason to control instinct embodied that individual could “live without committing any fault at any time” and to be able to “conquer all that either natural inclination,custom,or company”(Franklin) led individual into.As Benjamin Franklin had argued and experimented,the ability to self-critique and self-regulate that differed human beings from animals,awarded individual possibility of self-improvement.
Benjamin Franklin and Henry Thoreau declared the power of human reason and the divinity of the human being,which enabled the American Dream to develop that the individual could / can pave his own road and achieve success.Man's ability to use pure reason to control instinct shows that an individual can “live without committing any fault at any time” and is able to “conquer all that either natural inclination,custom,or company”(Franklin) led individual into.As Benjamin Franklin argued and experimented,the ability to self-critique and self-regulation that differs human beings from animals,awardsan individual's possibility of self-improvement.
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