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The TXV was selected as the regulating device for the
liquid refrigerant R-134a entering the evaporator.The
TXV senses the inlet pressure and outlet temperature
of the refrigerant in the evaporator cold-plate;and
based on the pressure and temperature,regulates the
mass flow rate and the quality of the refrigerant to ensure
that the refrigerant fully evaporates within the
evaporator.The valve setting of the TXV is determined
by the amount of superheat in the refrigerant vapor.The
superheat determines the amount of liquid refrigerant
mixed in the return vapor.If the refrigerant is superheated
to a point near the vapor line,a small amount
of liquid refrigerant will be present entering the compressor
as a result of tubing pressure loss.This liquid
refrigerant causes damage to the compressor.A Large
amount of superheat will cause poor evaporator coil
performance and compressor overheating.In addition
to valve setting,valve sizing is also important.A valve
that is too small will starve the evaporator coil,and
valve that is too large will flood the compressor.Typically,
the valves are rated in tonnage of refrigeration
with 689.5 kPa pressure drop across the valve.The thermostatic
expansion valve was selected over other refrigerant
metering devices because of its (1) capability to
regulate refrigerant flow over a wide range of load conditions,
(2) ability to shut off refrigerant flow when the
compressor stops,and (3) ability to control the temperature
of the compressor and keep it in a closer range
through a wide load variance.The TXV was rated based
on the evaporator load.For our system,the maximum
load is 606 W,which equates to 0.17 tons.The Parker
Hannifin C-AA-JW internally equalized TXV was selected,
which has a capacity range of 1/8–1/2 tons.
该txv被选中作为调节器的液体制冷剂R-134a进入蒸发器.该txv感官的入口压力和出口温度的制冷剂在蒸发冷轧钢板; 并根据压力 和温度 调节流量和质量的制冷剂,以确保制冷完全消失在 蒸发器.阀门设定的txv量而定过热的制冷剂蒸气.过热确定数额的液体混合制冷剂的汽回报.如果是制冷剂的过热到靠近汽路线 少量液体冷媒将随队进入压缩机由于油管压力损失.这种液体制冷剂造成损坏压缩机.大量的过热会导致穷人蒸发盘表现及压缩机过热.除了设置阀门,阀门施胶也很重要.一个阀门就是太小,将挨饿的蒸发盘,阀即过大洪水将压缩机.一般情况下,阀门的额定吨位冷冻689.5kpa压降全国阀门.恒温膨胀阀被选定较其他制冷器,因为它(1)有能力管理制冷剂流量 在广泛负荷的情况下,(2)有能力切断冷媒流当压缩机站 (3)有能力控制温度的压缩机,并保持了密切的范围内通过广泛的 负载差额.该txv被评为基于蒸发量.我们的制度,最大负载为606瓦,相当于0.17万吨.帕克的hannifinc-机管局-100/00国内equalizedtxv获选,具有容量范围1/8-1/2吨.