早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


I knew I was not supposed to be quite so excited.I was too (36)___ for that.At age eleven,the oldest and my mom's"grown up"girl,I had to keep my (37)___.I was in middle school after all.But every chance I got,when I was (38)___,I checked each present under the tree.I read every tag (标签) and felt every package,guessing at the (39)___ within.I had examined each gift so often that I could tell which present went to which person(40)___ looking at the tags.
It had been a(n)(41)___ year for my family.Whenever my mom looked over at the tree and scattered presents,she would sigh and(42)___ us,"There won't be as much for Christmas this year.Try not to be disappointed."Christmas had(43)___ been a time for my parents to spoil (宠爱) us.In years past,the presents would (44)___ the living room.I had heard the phrase"giving is better than receiving",but getting presents was the whole point!It was the reason I couldn't go to(45)___ on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas morning,we (46)___ waited in the hallway until Dad told us everything was ready.We rushed into the living room and had to wait and (47)___ while other family members opened their presents,but as the time passed we lost our (48)___.
"Here's another one for you,"said Mom as she handed me a package.I looked at it,(49)___.Having spent so much time examining the presents before Christmas,I (50)___ this one.It was for my mom!
It was a blow dryer.(51)___ this may seem only a simple gift,to me it was so much more.But,in my world,where receiving was more (52)___ than giving,my mom's act of selflessness was difficult to (53)___.I thought in disbelief about how much my mom must love me to do that.
I have always remembered that Christmas with affection.As an adult with children,I can now see my mom was finding an even greater (54)___ in her Christmas because giving truly is better than receiving.To me,My mom's simple act (55)___ the world.
36.A.busy B.shy C.old D.simple
37.A.word B.secret C.balance D.cool
38.A.alone B.bored C.curious D.energetic
39.A.values B.contents C.possessions D.bonuses
40.A.by B.without C.regardless of D.instead of
41.A.golden B.ordinary C.tough D.peaceful
42.A.trick B.educate C.frighten D.warn
43.A.traditionally B.gradually C.additionally D.confidentially
44.A.abandon B.occupy C.decorate D.stain
45.A.church B.school C.work D.sleep
46.A.worriedly B.hopelessly C.eagerly D.nervously
47.A.watch B.argue C.complain D.bargain
48.A.self-satisfaction B.self-confidence C.self-control D.self-support
49.A.disappointed B.embarrassed C.stressed D.confused
50.A.adored B.recognized C.ignored D.claimed
51.A.If B.Since C.Unless D.While
52.A.awkward B.important C.noble D.effective
53.A.predict B.perform C.understand D.confirm
54.A.joy B.challenge C.influence D.role
55.A.meant B.saved C.helped D.controlled
36-40 CDABB 41-45 CDABD 46-50 CACDB 51-55 DBCAA
36.C 考查上下文联系.由下文可知,作者认为自己是家中最大的(oldest)孩子而且已经长大了,所以不应该再要圣诞礼物了.busy 忙碌的;shy 害羞的;old 老的,旧的;simple 简单的.所以答案选C.
37.D 考查句意理解.虽然圣诞礼物很诱人,但是作为长女又是中学生,自己不应该像弟妹们那么激动,而应该保持冷静(calm)quiet,安静的;secret 秘密的;active 活跃的;calm 冷静的,平静的.所以答案选D.
38.A考查形容词的词义辨析.作者虽然告诫自己要保持冷静,但是一有机会,当自己一个人(alone)的时候,还是忍不住会查看圣诞树下的礼物.alone 单独的;bored 厌烦的;curious 好奇的;energetic 精力充沛的.所以答案选A.
39.B 考查名词词义辨析.作者一个礼盒一个礼盒的看,一个标签一个标签读,猜测礼盒内的东西(content)value 价值;content 内容;possession 拥有物,财产;bonus 分红,奖金.所以答案选B.
40.B 考查句意理解. 由于作者多次(often)仔细检查过每一个礼物,所以不用(without)看标签就能知道哪个礼物归谁,故答案选B.
41.C 考查句意理解.由下文母亲的叹气和说的话可知今年家境比较困难(tough).golden 金色的;ordinary 普通的,平常的;tough 坚硬的,困难的;peaceful 和平的,安宁的.所以答案选C.
42.D考查句意理解.此处表示母亲事前给孩子们打预防针,提醒(warn)他们圣诞礼物可能会不那么丰富,希望他们不要感到失望.trick 欺骗,欺诈;educate 教育;frighten 恐吓;warn 警告,提醒.所以答案选D.
43.A 考查副词的词义辨析.圣诞节给孩子们许多礼物是父母的传统习惯.traditionally 传统地;rarely 稀罕地;additionally 此外;confidentially 机密地.所以答案选A.
44.B考查句意理解. 以往家庭条件好,礼物多得占据(occupy)整个起居室.abandon 放弃;occupy 占据;decorate 装饰;stain 弄污.所以答案选B.
45.D考查句意理解.此处表达作者在圣诞前夜的激动心情,难以入眠.church 教堂;school 学校;work 工作;sleep 睡觉,所以答案选D.
46.C 考查副词的词义辨析.孩子们来说,到来的礼物肯定是充满渴望.worriedly 担忧地;hopelessly 无望地;eagerly 渴望地;nervously 紧张地.所以答案选C.
47.A 考查句意理解.孩子们来到客厅等待着礼物并看着(watch)别的家庭成员打开各自的礼物.watch 观看;argue 争论;complain 抱怨;bargain 讨价还价,所以答案选A.
48.C 考查名词词义辨析.此处表现孩子们心情迫切地难以自控.selfsatisfaction 自我满足;selfconfidence 自信;selfcontrol 自控;selfsupport 自助.所以答案选C.
49.D 考查形容词的词义辨析.妈妈又给了"我"一份礼物,"我"感到不解(confused),因为通过之前的探查,"我"知道这件礼物应该是妈妈自己的.disappointed 失望的;embarrassed 尴尬的;stressed 有压力的;confused 困惑的.所以答案 选D.
50.B 考查句意理解我认出妈妈给"我"的第二份礼物原本属于妈妈.adore 喜欢;recognize 认出;ignore 忽视;claim 宣称.所以答案选B.
51.D 考查连词.句意为:尽管这看起来或许是个简单的礼物,但是对我来说意味着多得多.if 假如;since 自从,既然;unless 除非;while 然而,尽管.所以答案选D.
52.B 考查句意理解.在"我"看来,获取比给予更重要.awkward 令人尴尬的,笨拙的;important 重要的;noble 高尚的,贵族的;effective 有效的.所以答案选B.
53.C 考查句意理解.当时自己对妈妈的行为不能理解.tolerate 容忍,宽容;perform 表演,表现;understand 理解;confirm 确认,证实.所以答案选C.
54.A 考查句意理解.作者自己现在有了孩子,所以她能够体会到一个母亲对自己的孩子付出的快乐.joy 快乐;challenge 挑战;influence 影响;role 作用,角色.所以答案选A.
55.A 考查句意理解.句意为:对我来说,妈妈的一个简单行为就意味着一切.mean 意味着;save节省;help 帮助;control 控制.所以答案选A.