早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.He likes playing football.It keeps he healthy.
2.Here are the dogs Auntie brought us.Take good care of it.
3.I'd appreciate that if you would like to tell me the truth.
4.The dying man opened his mouth as if to say nothing.
5.I told her the fact,because she is a good friend of me.
6.When you are away from parents,you should look after you.
7.I don't like these bags;please show me some other.
8.This is the doll which you bought it for me ten years ago.
9.I'm very sorry about all the whole thing.
10.At the airport,his baggage was stolen,but soon he got them back.

1.He likes playing football.It keeps him healthy.(he->him)
2.Here are the dogs Auntie brought us.Take good care of them.(it-> them)
3.I'd appreciate it if you would like to tell me the truth.(that-> it)
4.The dying man opened his mouth as if to say something.(nothing-> something)
5.I told her the fact,because she is a good friend of mine.(me-> mine)
6.When you are away from parents,you should look after youself.(you-> yourself)
7.I don't like these bags;please show me some others.(other-> others)
8.It is the doll which you bought it for me ten years ago.(this-> It)
9.I'm very sorry about the whole thing.(去掉all)
10.At the airport,his baggage was stolen,but soon he got it back.(them-> it)