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求一篇英语作文(给出要求)求职信 假定你叫李平,从报纸上得知某公司想招一名英语翻译,请你给该公司写一封求职信,你的个人资料如下: 1,姓名,李平 2,年龄,30 3,身高,180 健康状况良好 业余爱好,唱歌,游泳,跳舞 工作经验,1994年从北大毕业后分配到南通中学工作,工作认真负责,与人相处融洽 特长:精通英语,尤其是口语,已经将好几本中文书译成英文,懂些日语,并能用日语与外宾交谈
dear interviewer, i'm very glad to introduce myself to your company. i know your company from newspapers. and i really want to be one of staffs in your company. my name is LiPing. i'm 30 years old. i'm 180cm high. and i'm in good health. i'm a person who have a lot of interest. i like singing swimming and dancing. i think these kinds of hobbies can make my life become colorful and i am full of working experience. i was graduated from Peking univercity in 1994 ,and then i was asked to work as a teacher in Nantong middle school. i was working hard and getting along well with others. before i end my introduction, i want to say someting about my special ability. i am extremly good at using English,expecially in speaking area. i have translated several Chinese book into English. and i really proud of them. In other area, i know a little bit Japanese,but i can't communicate with Japanese fluently. i will improve my Japanese skills in the future. thank you for giving me such a great chance to introduce myself. and i want to join your company in the near future. i am looking forward to recive your respons to me. thanks Li hua
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