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请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空 并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置,每个词限用一次。

 try   heavy   sleep   spend   couldnt   catch   however   something   plan   hardly

    Long long ago there was a lazy cat. He thought his life was boring. And he   1   most of the time eating sleeping and snoring (打呼噜). He ate once a day and then went back to bed and slept. And he   2   took exercise. So he couldn’t find   3   interesting in his life.   4   his snoring sound was too loud for other animals. They were angry because they couldn’t  5   well at night.

    One day a big cat  6   to teach the lazy cat a lesson. And he asked a few animals to help him. They wanted to   7   the little cat and beat () him with a baseball bat. Because the poor cat never exercised he was too   8   to move. When other animals ran after him he   9   run away quickly. He knew the importance of doing exercise when he was caught. After that he  10   to do sports as much as he could. Then he found his life was not boring anymore.


1.spent  2.hardly 3.anything 4.However 5.sleep

6.planned 7.catch 8.heavy 9.couldn’t 10.tried

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