早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
With the development of science , mobile telephone becomes more and more popular. the students in school begin to use mobile telephone. In my opinion , it is not good for the students to use mobile telephone .
First , it will cost them more money than before. Second, it will make the students proud. Third, it will sometimes become a nuisance especially when it rings in class or in the library. I think the students’ main purpose in school is to study , they should pay much attention to their study.
mobile telephone has effect on the students. Since If they want to use mobile telephone , they can use it after graduation.
First , it will cost them more money than before. Second, it will make the students proud. Third, it will sometimes become a nuisance especially when it rings in class or in the library. I think the students’ main purpose in school is to study , they should pay much attention to their study.
mobile telephone has effect on the students. Since If they want to use mobile telephone , they can use it after graduation.
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