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I arrived at the office late as usual but Mr.Blake saw me and he was very angry.'This is your last day here,Jones,'he said.'You can either stay here or go home!'(我到达办公室像往常一样迟到但布莱克先生见了我,他很生气.这是你在这里的最后一天,琼斯,”他说.“你可以选择呆在这里或者回家!”)写5句话就行,给我中文也行
On hearing that,I choosed to keek silence and turned back.Without answering,I went past him,which obviously irritated him.‘Listen,you’re fired!’,shouted Mr.Blake,‘and i don’t wanna see you again.Now you get two minutes to clear up your stuff!’I coundn’t believe I became jobless just few seconds ago.