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    阅读下面的文章,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A B C D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was the junior high prom(毕业舞会)night. I sat in the car waiting for my son to come out. Seeing him  1 a tuxedo(燕尾服)for the first time my feelings were mixed.   2  I realized it he had become a teenager. The moment he got into the car he couldn't wait to share the prom with me. A smile  3 across my face.

    "This is thenight I have ever had " he said. He began telling the story just like  5  a bag of beans. "I was talking with Jane when we saw a girl standing off into a dark corner alone crying. Jane asked me to go dancing with the girl but I said that Jane was  6  because I didn't even know who the girl was. Jane wouldn't stop and said that I had a(n)  7  to do something special by dancing with the girl. I knew why she was crying. Everybody could see that she was a little overweight and   8   invited her to dance. I wanted to. but I was afraid that I'd he laughed at. What if she turned me  9   .It took me a lot of   10  to go over and ask if she wanted to dance. She said yes and we walked outo the dance floor. I felt my face turned red but it was   11   and I didn't think others noticed. I thought everyone was looking at us   12  no one laughed and we danced the whole dance. What happened next was unexpected.

     After I danced with the girl a lot of guys started dancing with girls  13 hadn't danced yet. It was only three minutes but I was happy that I did something  14   tonight. I learned something too.”

    I could see tears in his eyes. I gave my son a hug and told him “I'm so   15   you.”

1. A. on          B. in             C. with           D. a.

2. A. After       B. As             C. Because        D. Before

3. A. set         B. stopped         C. spread         D. saved

4. A. best        B. worst           C. longest        D. shortest

5. A. filling      B. picking          C. buying        D. emptying

6. A. crazy       B. nice            C. lucky         D. careless

7. A. right       B. chance           C. ability        D. interest

8. A. everybody   B. somebody        C. nobody       D. anybody

9. A. off         B. out             C. over          D. down

10. A. patience    B. courage         C. energy        D. face

11. A. dark       B. bright           C. cold          D. noisy

12. A. so         B. or              C. and          D. but

13. A. which      B. who            C. what          D. whose

14. A. strange     B.interesting       C. special         D. difficult

15. A. proud of    B. worried about    C. angry with      D. interested in


1B 2D 3D 4A 5D 6A 7B 8C 9D 10B 11A 12D 13B 14C 15A