早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




1 .这个男孩生来就有智力缺陷。


2 .重要的事情不是赢得第一名,而是参与。


3 .来自不同背景的运动员感觉像是一个大家庭的成员


4 .我们应该密切合作来实现我们的愿望。


5 .这个游泳教练参加了比赛真是勇敢。


6 .成为志愿者真是一次让人惊叹的经历。


7 .他尽了最大努力并取得第四名。


8 .你有机会帮助他获得成功。



1. The boy was born with intellectual disabilities.

    2. The important thing is not to win the first prize but to take part.

    3. Athletes from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.

    5. It was brave of the swimming coach to join(in) the competition.

    6. Being a volunteer is an amazing experience

    7. He tried his best and finished fourth

    8. You get to help him achieve success.