早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
There is a problem influencing those who are the only child in their family very much ——the lack of love from brothers and sisters,which can sometimes make them quite lonely.
So if you are one belonging to them,how can you deal with this loneliness?Here are some advice.First,you can make a lot of friends .When you are in the school,be active and join clubs.
Next,find something you truly like and focus on it.You'll have no time to feel lonely if you pay total attention to something else.And the most important thing is that you must try to enrich yourself.Believe that when you feel rich yourself,you'll never be lonely.
Remeber things above and stay away with loneliness.
So if you are one belonging to them,how can you deal with this loneliness?Here are some advice.First,you can make a lot of friends .When you are in the school,be active and join clubs.
Next,find something you truly like and focus on it.You'll have no time to feel lonely if you pay total attention to something else.And the most important thing is that you must try to enrich yourself.Believe that when you feel rich yourself,you'll never be lonely.
Remeber things above and stay away with loneliness.
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