As we all know, in England and some other countries, when people meet, they usually talk about weather, because weather is a safe topic.
So I choose to talk about weather today. During this summer holiday, especially in July, we have too much rain, it almost rains every day, sometimes there’s a big shower, sometimes it rains for a whole day. As a result, there’s too much water in the rivers. Some places are even flooded. Personally, I prefer the rainy days to sunny and hot days, because it’s neither hot nor cold, it’s cool, I feel more comfortable in such weather. I hate hot weather. But for my grandparents who are farmers, it’s bad. Crops can’t grow well without enough sunshine, so they won’t have good harvests. In the late months of last year and the early months of this year, it was too dry for many months, my grandparents told me they had drops in production. These years, there are too many natural disaster, such as earthquakes, trumamis, floods and many other horrible weather. So I wonder if the god is punishing humans because we have done many bad things to the earth. But I should affirm this point. it’s very importand for everyone on the earth to protect the environment.
Today we see the sunshine finally after so many rainy days. But I’m afraid the rainy season has ended.
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