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英语作文:My favorite hobbies
Everyone has their own hobbies. Some people are interested in collecting, some are keen on drawing and others are fond of doing sports. For me my hobby is reading books.
I am crazy about reading books for three reasons. First, reading can make my life colourful, because there are a wide range of stories in books. What’s more, I can learn a lot of knowledge from books. I enrich my life. Finally, books can not only teach me how to be a good person, but also solve many problems for me.
In a word, reading plays an important role to my life. I think I will keep on reading to improve myself in the future.
Everyone has their own hobbies. Some people are interested in collecting, some are keen on drawing and others are fond of doing sports. For me my hobby is reading books.
I am crazy about reading books for three reasons. First, reading can make my life colourful, because there are a wide range of stories in books. What’s more, I can learn a lot of knowledge from books. I enrich my life. Finally, books can not only teach me how to be a good person, but also solve many problems for me.
In a word, reading plays an important role to my life. I think I will keep on reading to improve myself in the future.
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