A few years after I left my secondary school in Manchester I was invited to help out with the school’s Christmas Fair. I volunteered to act as Father Christmas. 1 .Certainly I attracted lots of customers.
My main job was to send gifts to the children. 2 .I bring a sense of magic to them and I was also enjoying myself. But I was puzzled (迷惑) by a young boy who paid for a second visit and then surprisingly f or a third. The gifts were really very small. There were only some candies stickers and cards. 3 . He answered simply “I just love talking to you.”
It was then that I realized that many parents do not encourage their children to talk. 4 .Everyone wants to know they’ve been heard and understood. So it is important to listen to children and give them the full attention. It is also a way to show children the proper way of listening to be polite and to gain a better understanding.
5. So at home at work socially always encourage family friends colleagues to talk about themselves and their feelings and really listen.
1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.E
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