早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
O-Rama is when a lot of people do something at the same time.It is not considered good English and I would avoid using it myself.The term is mainly used in USA.
For example a Cartoon-O-Rama could be when a TV station shows cartoons all day.Football-O-Rama could be a lot of people coming together to play football,or having a lot of football matches on TV in a row.
Hope this is helpful!I can't explain in Chinese sorry.
I think though it is not a good English term to use,it is good to understand it but I would avoid using it myself.
I hope this gives you some idea?
For example a Cartoon-O-Rama could be when a TV station shows cartoons all day.Football-O-Rama could be a lot of people coming together to play football,or having a lot of football matches on TV in a row.
Hope this is helpful!I can't explain in Chinese sorry.
I think though it is not a good English term to use,it is good to understand it but I would avoid using it myself.
I hope this gives you some idea?
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