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PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet)
PPP Polluter Pays Principle
**** PPP Puntos Por Pulgada (Spanish:Dots Per Inch)
**** PPP Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (United Development Party,Indonesia)
**** PPP Priority Placement Program
**** PPP Palestinian Public Perceptions (reports)
**** PPP Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italian director,1922-1975)
**** PPP Potter Puppet Pals (website)
**** PPP Parlamentarisches Patenschaftsprogramm (Germany)
**** PPP Pusan Promotion Plan (South Korea)
**** PPP Private Placement Program (banking)
**** PPP Prohibited Personnel Practices
**** PPP Practice Practice Practice
**** PPP Prodrive Performance Pack (Subaru)
**** PPP Pollution Prevention Program
**** PPP Progressive People's Party
*** PPP Piano Pianissimo (music; played as softly as possible)
*** PPP Parti Progresif Penduduk (Malyasia)
*** PPP Program Protection Plan
*** PPP Power Play Points (hockey)
*** PPP Power Projection Platform
*** PPP Poly-Para-Phenylene
*** PPP Parti Populaire des Putes (French:Popular Party of Prostitutes; Canada)
*** PPP Puff Puff Pass
*** PPP Public Papers of the Presidents
*** PPP Penultimate Profit Prospect
*** PPP Personnel Protective Equipment
*** PPP Piss Poor Planning
*** PPP Partido del Poder del Pueblo (Indonesia)
*** PPP Piss Poor Protoplasm
*** PPP Product Protection Plan
*** PPP Preservation,Packaging,and Packing
*** PPP Personnel Performance Profile
** PPP Pirkka-Pekka Petelius (Finnish comedian)
** PPP Press Photographers of the Philippines
** PPP Partial Path Protection
** PPP Poker Player Posse
** PPP Pre-Authorized Payment Plan
** PPP Pink Paula Pack (Firefox theme)
** PPP Presbyterian Peacemaking Program
** PPP Pueblo Panama Plan
** PPP Product Planning Process (project management)
** PPP Percent Perfect Performance
** PPP Perfect Prom Project
** PPP Pal茅ontologie,Phylog茅nie et Pal茅obiologie (French:Paleontology,Phylogeny,and Paleobiology)
** PPP Peripheral Pulses Palpable
** PPP Prominent Point Processing
** PPP Portable Phoenix Project
** PPP Pälkäneen Putki Ja Puhallin
** PPP Parish Pastoral Plan
** PPP Party Puff People (Swedish band)
** PPP Plan Particulier de Protection (French:Individual Protection Plan)
** PPP Porcine Pleuropneumonia
** PPP Premium Paintball Products
* PPP Ping,Pipe,and Power (web hosting/data center slang)
* PPP Peleliu Pacific Partnership (humanitarian assistance mission)
* PPP Participium Perfectum Passivum (Latin)
* PPP Premium Price Policy
* PPP Point Protocol Problem
* PPP Projected Promotion Potential
* PPP Projects,Plans and Policy
* PPP Pulse Power Protection
* PPP Product Program Proposal
* PPP Privatization Planning Panel
* PPP Pen,Paint & Pretzels
* PPP Partenariats Publique-Priv茅 (French:Public-private partnerships; Quebec,Canada government agency)
* PPP Partial Parity Protection
* PPP Pilot Production Program
* PPP Philosophy Politics and Psychology
* PPP Pose,Pause,Pounce (teaching strategy)
* PPP Possession of Paraphernalia
* PPP Pre-fragmented Programmable Proximity fuzed round
* PPP Prepositioned Procurement Package
* PPP Prepare,Prime,Paint
* PPP Porcine Pneumonic Pasteurellosis
* PPP Partido Popular Portugu锚s
* PPP People Process and Product
* PPP Peter Pan Pool
* PPP Pianississimo (music; very soft volume)
* PPP Personal Pension Plan (invesment; UK)
* PPP Performance Protection Plan (product performance)
* PPP Perfect Passive Participle
* PPP Pontos por Polegada (Portuguese:Dots per Inch)
* PPP Policies,Plans and Programs (various organizations)
* PPP Pollution Prevention Plan
* PPP Plant Protection Product
* PPP Platelet-Poor Plasma
* PPP Platinum Pied Pipers (band)
* PPP People's Progressive Party (Guyana)
* PPP People,Places & Plants
* PPP Per Pay Period
* PPP Pentose Phosphate Pathway (sugar metabolism)
* PPP People Power Party (political group,Thailand)
* PPP Participle Perfect Passive (grammatical form)
* PPP Passenger Protection Program (airline industry)
* PPP Passive Periphrastic
* PPP Pay Per Performance
* PPP Payment Protection Plan (credit card insurance program)
* PPP Pearly Penile Papules (Hirsuties papillaris genitalis)
* PPP Participatory Planning Process
* PPP ParaParaParadise (dance simulation game series)
* PPP Parentes Pii Posuerunt (Latin:Pious Parents Have Built,epigraphy)
* PPP Palestinian People's Party
* PPP Pacific Peoples' Partnership
* PPP Pakistan Peoples Party
* PPP Pale Porcelain Princess (beauty/makeup forum slang)
* PPP Prepayment Penalty
* PPP Premium Personal Password (Muzi)
* PPP Purdue Pesticide Programs (Indiana)
PPP Polluter Pays Principle
**** PPP Puntos Por Pulgada (Spanish:Dots Per Inch)
**** PPP Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (United Development Party,Indonesia)
**** PPP Priority Placement Program
**** PPP Palestinian Public Perceptions (reports)
**** PPP Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italian director,1922-1975)
**** PPP Potter Puppet Pals (website)
**** PPP Parlamentarisches Patenschaftsprogramm (Germany)
**** PPP Pusan Promotion Plan (South Korea)
**** PPP Private Placement Program (banking)
**** PPP Prohibited Personnel Practices
**** PPP Practice Practice Practice
**** PPP Prodrive Performance Pack (Subaru)
**** PPP Pollution Prevention Program
**** PPP Progressive People's Party
*** PPP Piano Pianissimo (music; played as softly as possible)
*** PPP Parti Progresif Penduduk (Malyasia)
*** PPP Program Protection Plan
*** PPP Power Play Points (hockey)
*** PPP Power Projection Platform
*** PPP Poly-Para-Phenylene
*** PPP Parti Populaire des Putes (French:Popular Party of Prostitutes; Canada)
*** PPP Puff Puff Pass
*** PPP Public Papers of the Presidents
*** PPP Penultimate Profit Prospect
*** PPP Personnel Protective Equipment
*** PPP Piss Poor Planning
*** PPP Partido del Poder del Pueblo (Indonesia)
*** PPP Piss Poor Protoplasm
*** PPP Product Protection Plan
*** PPP Preservation,Packaging,and Packing
*** PPP Personnel Performance Profile
** PPP Pirkka-Pekka Petelius (Finnish comedian)
** PPP Press Photographers of the Philippines
** PPP Partial Path Protection
** PPP Poker Player Posse
** PPP Pre-Authorized Payment Plan
** PPP Pink Paula Pack (Firefox theme)
** PPP Presbyterian Peacemaking Program
** PPP Pueblo Panama Plan
** PPP Product Planning Process (project management)
** PPP Percent Perfect Performance
** PPP Perfect Prom Project
** PPP Pal茅ontologie,Phylog茅nie et Pal茅obiologie (French:Paleontology,Phylogeny,and Paleobiology)
** PPP Peripheral Pulses Palpable
** PPP Prominent Point Processing
** PPP Portable Phoenix Project
** PPP Pälkäneen Putki Ja Puhallin
** PPP Parish Pastoral Plan
** PPP Party Puff People (Swedish band)
** PPP Plan Particulier de Protection (French:Individual Protection Plan)
** PPP Porcine Pleuropneumonia
** PPP Premium Paintball Products
* PPP Ping,Pipe,and Power (web hosting/data center slang)
* PPP Peleliu Pacific Partnership (humanitarian assistance mission)
* PPP Participium Perfectum Passivum (Latin)
* PPP Premium Price Policy
* PPP Point Protocol Problem
* PPP Projected Promotion Potential
* PPP Projects,Plans and Policy
* PPP Pulse Power Protection
* PPP Product Program Proposal
* PPP Privatization Planning Panel
* PPP Pen,Paint & Pretzels
* PPP Partenariats Publique-Priv茅 (French:Public-private partnerships; Quebec,Canada government agency)
* PPP Partial Parity Protection
* PPP Pilot Production Program
* PPP Philosophy Politics and Psychology
* PPP Pose,Pause,Pounce (teaching strategy)
* PPP Possession of Paraphernalia
* PPP Pre-fragmented Programmable Proximity fuzed round
* PPP Prepositioned Procurement Package
* PPP Prepare,Prime,Paint
* PPP Porcine Pneumonic Pasteurellosis
* PPP Partido Popular Portugu锚s
* PPP People Process and Product
* PPP Peter Pan Pool
* PPP Pianississimo (music; very soft volume)
* PPP Personal Pension Plan (invesment; UK)
* PPP Performance Protection Plan (product performance)
* PPP Perfect Passive Participle
* PPP Pontos por Polegada (Portuguese:Dots per Inch)
* PPP Policies,Plans and Programs (various organizations)
* PPP Pollution Prevention Plan
* PPP Plant Protection Product
* PPP Platelet-Poor Plasma
* PPP Platinum Pied Pipers (band)
* PPP People's Progressive Party (Guyana)
* PPP People,Places & Plants
* PPP Per Pay Period
* PPP Pentose Phosphate Pathway (sugar metabolism)
* PPP People Power Party (political group,Thailand)
* PPP Participle Perfect Passive (grammatical form)
* PPP Passenger Protection Program (airline industry)
* PPP Passive Periphrastic
* PPP Pay Per Performance
* PPP Payment Protection Plan (credit card insurance program)
* PPP Pearly Penile Papules (Hirsuties papillaris genitalis)
* PPP Participatory Planning Process
* PPP ParaParaParadise (dance simulation game series)
* PPP Parentes Pii Posuerunt (Latin:Pious Parents Have Built,epigraphy)
* PPP Palestinian People's Party
* PPP Pacific Peoples' Partnership
* PPP Pakistan Peoples Party
* PPP Pale Porcelain Princess (beauty/makeup forum slang)
* PPP Prepayment Penalty
* PPP Premium Personal Password (Muzi)
* PPP Purdue Pesticide Programs (Indiana)
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