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Thank you for your detailed email! I'm sorry to hear you are considering
canceling our services at Bluehost! May I ask why you would like to cancel this
We also just came out with a brand new service. It's called
"QuickStart". A 45 minute, one-on-one phone consultation with a Web Expert who,
after assessing your needs, will help with anything pertaining to the cPanel,
Weebly or Wordpress. We'll teach you how to use your hosting account with
hands-on experience. We want every phone call to ne satisfied so that you can
engage your hosting account with a clear path toward a successful online
presence. I would be happy to help you take care of that cancellation if you
would like. Simply respond with the last 4 characters of the account log in
password and email address on the account.
Also, another option would to
just set your account to expire at the end of its term. Doing so, will STOP any
future transactions with this account. You will not be billed anymore if you
decide to set this account to expire.
Please respond to this email so we
may take appropriate action to assist you if you would like to get started with
our "Quickstart" service, set the account to expire or proceed with the
cancellation process. Without a response no action will be taken to close the
Please respond as soon as possible as I will be awaiting your
Simply respond with the last 4 characters of the account log in
password and email address on the account.
直接回复这封邮件,告诉他"I just want to proceed with the
cancellation process",然后邮件里面附上你帐号用的邮箱以及后四位密码
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