早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





       Every time we go into a museum we are often told Don t touch that! The Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia is   1   the opposite. Here we are encouraged to   2   everything.

My first visit to the museum was one year ago. I was   3   to visit the museum as soon as Mum told us its name.   4   told us that we could climb and jump and touch everything in the museum.

This place is more like a   5   rather than a museum. It gives kids the chance to learn   6   play. I loved this place a lot and had to be pulled away by the arm when we were ready to   7  

Each exhibit is a hands-on ( 亲自实践的 ) experience.
I   8   enjoyed the very large water table and grocery store ( 食品杂货店 ).  I had so much fun that I didn t even   9   I was learning.

The only problem is this place gets crowded very quickly on weekends   1 0   you need to get there early if you don t want to be immersed in ( 浸没于 ) the sea of people.

(   ) 1.   A. never                B. just                   C. even                 D. also

(   ) 2.   A. touch                B. show                C. notice               D. bring

(   ) 3.   A. afraid                B. brave                C. excited              D. lucky

(   ) 4.   A. He                    B. She                  C. You                  D. They

(   ) 5.   A. bookstore        B. hospital            C. playground        D. school

(   ) 6.   A. through             B. behind             C. without              D. except

(   ) 7.   A. start                 B. learn                 C. play                  D. leave  

(   ) 8.   A. actually             B. especially         C. nearly               D. probably

(   ) 9.   A. imagine             B. forget              C. guess                D. realise

(   ) 1 0.  A. so                    B. although            C. as                    D. because


1 B   2 A   3
C   4 B   5 C   6 A   7 D   8 B   9 D   10 A

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