When I was in Grade 7. I had no interest in history. I didn't listen carefully in class and couldn't 1 my homework on time. So I didn't do well in this 2 .
In the second term there came a new history teacher. She was young and humorous. But I 3 had no passion (激情) for history. One day she said “We’ll have a test in the afternoon. Please prepare for it." Since I was not good at history whenever I 4 a history exam I had to cheat (作弊) . At that noon I made lots of cheat sheets quietly.
In the afternoon I entered the classroom confidently waiting for the exam to begin soon my history teacher came in along with our geography teacher. 5 both were mysterious smile on their faces. When the paper was 6 finally all of us found it was just a piece of geography paper. “Oh my god!” Some of us burst out. I became as 7 as a wooden chicken at once. Just then our teachers couldn’t help laughing loudly which is just like a slap hitting 8 my face. I got 12 points that time.
Later I realized that day was April Fool’s Day 9 it wasn’t interesting for me at all. It was a deep 10 for me. I learned that if I didn’t study hard I might be a real fool one day.
1. A. finish B. help C. prevent D. keep
2. A. business B. education C. career D. subject
3. A. just B. seldom C. still D. never
4. A. took B. played C. spent D. avoided
5. A. We B. They C. You D. She
6. A. put on B. taken off C. handed out D. picked up
7. A. silly B. strong C. clever D. sad
8. A. on B. in C. of D. over
9. A. or B. so C. and D. but
10. A. lesson B. game C. trick D. joke
1A 2D 3C 4A 5B 6C 7A 8B 9D 10A >
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