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中国教育理念和美国教育理念异同 英文
中美教育理念差异 要求用英文 150字左右
Education is one of the most important things during our life.I know the difference between Chinese education and American education. American high education is the best in the world, but when we talk about the basic education, most people will have different bifurcation. However, it is allowed in U.S. Americans think calculators go fast and are correct. So, when both students have an exam, then Chinese are better than American students. But when both students use some information tools, then Americans are really better then Chinese student. All appearance, Chinese students are better than American students when they manage and exploit cerebra, but when we compare how to use different information or how to spread cerebra, the American students are better than Chinese students. When we compare the Chinese basic education with America’s, then most people’s opinion are that Chinese education is for foundation education, and American education is for the cultivation of students’ creativity. In China, “seventy three percent people agree, and twenty four percent disagree with this. Also another three percent think Chinese education is foundation education, but student may be not learning much, while American education is for cultivating students’ creativity, but it can let students learn more.” China and America have totally different tradition and exams. Chinese education focuses on the knowledge to accumulate and indoctrinate, on how students use and manage the knowledge they learned in school, and on how to understand the knowledge system and structure. Reversely, American care more about how students use knowledge in society. It lets student challenge the knowledge, animadvert ideas, and focus on, exploit or create knowledge. These two types of attitude about education show us the different ways to understand knowledge, and also to show two countries with different education opinions. “In China, when comparing the education, sixty percent people think the best education model is uniting both advantages. It lets students have very good foundation education and good creativity. Sixty five percent disagree. Another thirty three people think, because the two types of education come from different culture, tradition and society background, it is really hard to combine.” The difference between China and America is mostly an education and knowledge difference. Such as, what is basic foundation education? We can have an example in math. In Chinese education, Chinese think it is basic to have calculation skills so everybody has to remember the entire concept. So, from elementary school to high school you are not allowed to use a calculator. American education focuses on improve student assuredness, self-determination, independence, and Chinese education focuses on strictness and preciseness. Good foundation education can improve creation; also it can improve student’s thinking. Good preciseness can improve comprehensive thinking. Also, could be an enemy to thinking. Education is culture, and different educations show different societies’ culture; the good American education system may not be good for Chinese society. So, different education has to follow the society background. Because different society backgrounds and different culture helps humans create a different country in the world, American education should be following the American’s culture. Also, Chinese education has to follow Chinese culture. A good education model for China is very important to the learning process, and also is very hard. Anyway, we only need modern education which is internationalization education system and localization education systems unite each other. That is going to improve our education skills.
Quantities of lessons per day: Each Chinese teacher teaches only one subject while each US teacher teaches all subjects. Each Chinese teacher teaches two periods every day while each American teacher teaches at least five periods every day.

Sizes of classes: Chinese schools have larger classes of more than 50 students each while American schools have smaller classes of around 25. So, the final result is that each Chinese teacher teaches the same quantity of students as his/her American counterpart.
Efficiency in classroom activities: Chinese classes are much bigger, and fortunately, students are well trained and more efficient in following the teachers' advice in participate in certain activities. Americans classes are smaller, but their students will waste some time in adjusting themselves according to their teachers' suggestions.
Foreign languages: Chinese schools usually have English as their foreign language, and Russian and Japanese are only taught in some schools in the north of China and some top foreign language schools (e.g. German, French and Japanese are taught in Nanjing Foreign Language School) whereas American schools may teach French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, etc. as their foreign languages.
Test-Oriented Education: Chinese schools are criticized for providing test-oriented education, the result of which is producing students of less ability. We are trying a lot to adapt our schools to quality-oriented education. But Americans say that they are learning from us in preparing their students for exams. Maybe, the two extremes of education are going together. The two peoples are "making two ends meet".
Quantities of feedback: Each Chinese teacher marks layers of layers of students' exercises every day and give immediate feedback to students while an American teacher leaves all the work to their parents.

Observing classes: Chinese teachers regularly go to other classrooms to observe other how teachers do their work in order to make their own work more efficient while American teachers never have such time and practice.

Office work: Chinese teachers of the same field have the same department office for their office work. So they often do their team work in discussing what to be taught, how to teach it, etc. American teachers have their own small offices respectively. They do not often meet except the half-an-hour lunchtime at the canteen every day. Each teacher does everything according his/her individuality and experience.
Weekly Conferences: Chinese teachers are assembled by headmasters for usual weekly conferences. But American teachers Very Seldom have meetings. Those seldom meetings (might be at the beginning and end of each semester) are the rare chances for their teachers to meet and exchange info.
Political Study: Chinese teachers spend two hours on Wednesday afternoon for political study but American teachers do not do so. Such political study consists of reading CPC documents and raise teachers' morale and vitality by encouraging words. Sometimes such conferences may contain criticism for those who are not devoted and who do paid after-school tutoring work at home. American teachers are busy and have successfully ranked themselves in the middle class, so they do not have to do paid tutoring work.

Selective Schools: Chinese students often select their schools by paying a sum of money the school, whether the school is public or private. For most public schools, the sum is 15000 RMB for a three-year period in Junior High School in Nanjing. Seldom do Americans select their schools and public schools are not selective. If they do select, they have to pay twice--once they pay taxes, the second time they pay school tuition. For an ordinary private school in New York City, the tuition might be only 2000 USD per year. But for better private schools, the tuition charge might rise 15000 USD or even to 20000 USD per year.

School systems: China has a system of junior and senior high schools, each period being 3 years. America has a system of middle school and high school, the former being 3 years (Year 6~8) and the latter being 4 years (Years 9~12). So their elementary schools range from Year 1 to Year 5.
Bureau of Education: In China, we have the Bureau of Education as governmental organs of different levels of administration. But in America, such an organ never exists. So their schools are run by non-governmental fundations.
Finance: Public schools in China are financed by governments of different levels. Headmasters and teachers usually do not have worry about their salaries. American schools are financed by fundations and they do not worry about salaries either.
Teachers' education background: Chinese high-school teachers now have better and better education background: in the past, they might have associate degrees (i.e. they were graduates from junior teachers' colleges), but now they are usually bachelor's degree holders (i.e. they have graduated from teachers' colleges or normal universities). Yet, very few have master's degrees. American teachers at least have bachelor's degrees, and oftentimes they have master's degrees.
Teacher's professional development: Teachers in China can study as part-time students in normal universities, usually at the weekends or during vocations, to achieve a better degrees. Even some can leave their temporarily (say, for 2 years) to study in normal universities to upgrade their degrees. They also have other forms of on-the-job training by governmental organs and observing other teachers teaching, etc. American teachers can go to universities after they work for a certain period in a school, say, 4 years.
The difference between chinese and american education systems is that they have an extremely very high excellent education rate with all 100% of them both males and females getting straight A+ and getting straight A's all through their lives and all through school and college and their parents only expect them to get straight A+'s and straight A's on their report cards without nothing never ever getting nothing less than an A+ and an A on their report cards whereas the american education system does not do that as much.The american education syatem is more relaxed than the asian culture when it comes to education and their parents don't push them hard as much to get straight A+'s and straight A's in school so that makes a big difference out the two education systems.The chinese race of people in China,America,and all over the world push and force their children to get straight A+'s and straight A's all through school and college all through their lives and they are very strict about education and about them getting straight A+'s and straight A's all through school and college all through their lives.
This comparison is somewhat outdated and falls into the Gentleman's "C" arguement where a "C" student would normally do better in the business world since he or she were polishing their social skills while the "A" students were busy studying by themselves. In my opinion, it seems that both has a hint of arrogance steming from a position of weakness. I have first hand knowledge that the public education system in the US has severly deteriorated with this "No Child Left Behind" program. Instead of trying to bring up the few slower students, the country has decided to dumb down the course ciriculum so everyone passes. I believe that true learning can only be achieved by repetition for most of us save the very gifted. And if you want to call it "by rote", so be it. Why do you think that most students that recieve a perfect SAT score are Asians that are first or second generation? The Asian student population does so well acadenically, that many top US universities limit the number that they will accept each year. The same thing was said about the Japanese education system and now look at them, I don't think you can say they are not innovative. China is going through it's industrial revelolution and is well recognized as being able to "copy" anything. Buit give them 10 years or so, I know they will be a world power and innovator. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing about the US.
China is big, it doesn't have a strong middle class like the one created after WWII in the US. You are looking at a diverse population in which many people from the older generation have never had a grade school education and never learned how to write in Mandarin. Even today so many children are the first in their family to learn Chinese during their childhood. If anything, China has come a long way and we know it will get better because the Chinese have a long-standing civilization beaming with creativity.
Based on my experience as a engineering student born and raised in the US, I can tell you that a lot of my peers are quick to give up. My parents barely prepared me for highschool, much less college. I am procrastinating as I write this! So many of my peers and relatives have just given up under pressure. Many students dropout after their first couple terms in college. Some are very talented, my good friend dropped out of an ivy league school to be in a band and do drugs.
On the other hand, there are many stead-fast students who are very disciplined, organized, and cultured. They were prepared their whole lives to be good students and 90% of that comes from the parents, not the schools. In my experience, most of these students come from affluent families. They are descendants of the Cold War engineers and entrepreneurs. They are also a dying, unappreciated relic from a more progressive time. American education has since then gone down hill. Science and engineering students are imported from Europe, Asia, and Africa to help fill this gap. Does that make other non-American cultures superior?
I think it all comes down to simple politics and economics. The difference between Asian culture and American culture is a fools debate. The world is a dynamic place, civilization will always adapt they way it sees fit. If that means killing off some good brain cells so that I can make money as a vacuum salesman (no offense to anyone) then so be it. We have to do what we feel is necessary and our values are always changing through each generation.
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