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In about 100-200 words,write about a conflict you once had with your parents.Start with the following openings:I was very unhappy with my parents the other day.这是大学作文,不要写得太简单了,但要注意字数
conflicts between teenager and their parents always happen. if they can understand each other better, it will reduce the conflicts. one conflict just happened to me a few days ago. I was very unhappy with my parents. the night before the day, i was working on my essay. i went to sleep at 5:00 am, I just fell asleep.then, my father woke me up and said it's time to go to part time work. I answered,but after he left, I fell asleep again. my father turned to really mad. he started yelling at me when he woke me up the second time. I did not feel comfortable with that because I did not think that is my fault. then i yell him back. As a result, we have not talked to each other for a few days.
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