早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
In the last semester,I experienced a child is the most dangerous thing,and that is ......
Fog enveloped the whole world.I was walking home from school on the road,casually looked at the front of the tree,thinking:if this tree can be like Aladdin's Genie as my desire to achieve a good,first of all,my first desire is ......not yet finished and so I think I have any strong reaction,I feel the Sixth told me that the coming doom.
A brother,tangled hair,and wearing dirty clothes,a body odor,age should be around 16-year-old,he grazed my side,I疑神疑鬼,that's right,and he certainly did not do what kind of activities.I am confused and touched my wallet,my money?Sure that he stole my money.
I am careful to keep up with the go,as far as possible I am not concerned about he found him,and suddenly,I suddenly get some bashing,but come away empty-handed,he has been in rapid flight,but he really did not run like the speed.甩下my bags,took off his clothes,walked big steps,do our best pursued him,I slightly in his clothes rubbed a bit,however,there is a distance,when I once again want to firmly seize him,He in my shoulders heavy blow hit,"Oh,痛死me!" This is hard because of the blow,I gave up the pursuit,I also know that catching it,and I do not have any benefits.Is to say,this cruel and unscrupulous too hateful,too shameful,even the 20 children he had stolen the money,hey!Not saved.
After that,I alone will go to the police station was extremely dirty and shameless,but in the end I do not know if there is no effect,because my father said that the police are now ghost money,you do not give him money,he will not give things you do.
Fog enveloped the whole world.I was walking home from school on the road,casually looked at the front of the tree,thinking:if this tree can be like Aladdin's Genie as my desire to achieve a good,first of all,my first desire is ......not yet finished and so I think I have any strong reaction,I feel the Sixth told me that the coming doom.
A brother,tangled hair,and wearing dirty clothes,a body odor,age should be around 16-year-old,he grazed my side,I疑神疑鬼,that's right,and he certainly did not do what kind of activities.I am confused and touched my wallet,my money?Sure that he stole my money.
I am careful to keep up with the go,as far as possible I am not concerned about he found him,and suddenly,I suddenly get some bashing,but come away empty-handed,he has been in rapid flight,but he really did not run like the speed.甩下my bags,took off his clothes,walked big steps,do our best pursued him,I slightly in his clothes rubbed a bit,however,there is a distance,when I once again want to firmly seize him,He in my shoulders heavy blow hit,"Oh,痛死me!" This is hard because of the blow,I gave up the pursuit,I also know that catching it,and I do not have any benefits.Is to say,this cruel and unscrupulous too hateful,too shameful,even the 20 children he had stolen the money,hey!Not saved.
After that,I alone will go to the police station was extremely dirty and shameless,but in the end I do not know if there is no effect,because my father said that the police are now ghost money,you do not give him money,he will not give things you do.
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