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英语作文(你的朋友李华进入高中后学英语很困难,写信向你求助 给他回信 要有自信
多记一些惯用词组和句型 大量阅读 多背一些好短文 写日记等)
Dear Hua,
Thanks for telling me the difficulties you're facing in learning English.It's my pleasure to give your some advice.Actually,I had the similar problem just like you do but I've found several ways to enhance my English ability.
First,make your own vocabulary cards.Write down a vocabualry on one side and write down the definition on the other side.Made 5 vocabulary cards everyday and review the cards every week.The key is to learn new worlds everyday,do not stop even on your birthday and your girl friend is going to celerbrate with you.Learning 5 new worlds won't take you too long but if you can do it continuously,you'll find the you boost your vocabulary very soon.
Second,find materials with the topic you like,such as magazines,news websites,or movies.It is very important to maintain your interest in learnning English becuase you have to learn it everyday for a long time.Make sure you can learn from those material.Sometimes,authentic materials are just difficult.English learning magazines are nice choices.
Third,always learn from listening becuase listening is the easiest way of learning a new language.When you listen enough Englsh,you memorize them easily and you are familiar with the sound so you can pronoun accurately.
All the above help me a lot.I hope they can help you too.Write me more about your English learning.We can do something and learn English together.
(your name)
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