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Life as Chopsticks

Right now more and more people are digging into their food with  1  ( ) sticks which are called chopsticks. Even people eating with knives and   2  ( 餐叉 ) begin to love them. What’s so special about them? Because they have deep influence in many people’s ways of life.

Simplicity. There’s   3  ( 几乎不 ) anything simpler than chopsticks. With new technology developing every day there is   4  ( 仍然 ) something that has just one use simply to eat. Also the chopsticks don’t   5  ( 花费 ) much. In real life we don’t need to keep improving things all the time.

 Aim. When using chopsticks you can not pick up everything in one go. Know what you want and just do it. Sometimes a little bit of focus makes the difference   6  ( 之间 ) failure and success.

 Practice. Using chopsticks doesn’t come naturally. You have to learn to use them and practice it. Most would   7   ( 同意 ) that there’s no better way than to practice. In real life you may have many things you want to do but it will just be a   8  ( 梦想 ) if you don’t try doing it.

 Slowing down. A healthy way to eat is to eat with chopsticks. It slows you down and it   9  ( 允许 ) your stomach to tell your brain you are full before you overeat. In our life we sometimes need slow down to have time to think to realize that we’re actually full and don’t have to rush full   10  ( 速度 ) through life.




2. forks

knives 要对 fork 进行一定的变形,把单数变为复数

3. hardly

【解析】 这里考查的副词 hardly 表达几乎不的意思

4. still

5. cost

【解析】初中阶段一共有四个花费; spend pay cost take.

        其中 spend 和 pay 是人做主语; take 是 it 做主语,只有 cost 是物做主语,所以这里应该选 cost 由于前面有助动词 don’t 后面加动词原形,所以 cost 不用变形

6. between

【解析】 between 和 among 都有表示 ” 在 ....... 之间 ” 的意思 . 但是 between 是两者之间, among 是三者或者是三者以上,所以这里应该填写 between.


   【解析】 would 后面要加动词原形,所以 agree 不用变形

8. dream

9. allows/permits

  【解析】 allow 和 permit 都是表示同意的意思,根据前面 it slows 这句话真正的主句是 it 指代 ”to eat with chopsticks” “it” 是第三人称,第三人称单数谓语动词要加 ”s” 所以要对 allow 和 permit 进行一定变形,加 ”s” 变为 allows 和 permits

10. speed

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