早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

A;( )isthatmaninthegarden,Bill?B;()manA;the( )withahatinthegarden.B;heismyuncle.A;(  )hepickingapples?B;yes,he( ).A;(  )wanttopickappleswithhim.B;OK.andyoucaneattheapples(

A;(   )is that man in the garden ,Bill?B;( )man
A;the(   )with a hat in the garden.
B;he is my uncle.
A;(    )he picking apples?
B;yes,he(   ).
A;(    )want to pick apples with him.
B;OK.and you can eat the apples(     )you want.But(     )careful.
B;OK,I will.
Who is that man in the garden,Bill?
Which man?
The man with a hat in the garden.
Is he picking apples?
Yes,he is.
I want to pick apples with him.
Ok,and you can eat the apples if you want.But be careful.