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请您帮我将下面这段话翻译成英文:我非常高兴能接受UIC 的电话面试,你 这是 我第一次接受面试 ,我 非常兴奋,所以在我们的谈话中我都不知道应该说些什么.加上电话信号不是很好.我 感到我在口试中没能充分表现自己,我想了很长时间是否应该写这封信,但我最后还是下定决心写了这封信,因为我相信我是一个优秀的人 并且我有优秀的品质和远大的理想,我需要UIC 这架飞机去飞翔,我坚信我是UIC 最完美的选择
I was really pleased to have this oppotunity to take a phone interview by UIC.You know what,I was so exciting because it is the first interview in my life and I even did not know how to express myself well.In addition,the phone signal is not so good,as a result I felt did not express my advantage to you during the interview.After a long time consideration,I decided to write to you because I have the confidence that I am the best choice of UIC,who have good quality and ideal.
看了 英语翻译请您帮我将下面这段话...的网友还看了以下: