早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
因为我们一起笑过 误会过 彼此鼓励过 所以我们是好哥们 我不相信有一辈子的友谊 但我知道珍惜你这个朋友 不论你怎么想 我一直都把你当朋友 以后的日子里 有不开心的事情 记得还有我呢 我在这 姐会支持你的!
我英语不好 都看不下去了...
因为我们一起笑过 误会过 彼此鼓励过 所以我们是好哥们 我不相信有一辈子的友谊 但我知道珍惜你这个朋友 不论你怎么想 我一直都把你当朋友 以后的日子里 有不开心的事情 记得还有我呢 我在这 姐会支持你的!
我英语不好 都看不下去了...
Remember the times when we laughed together,encouraged each other?Although there were some misunderstandings between us, yet we are still good buddies. I don't believe that any friendship can last a lifetime, but I will cherish our friendship. I am not sure about how you think of it, but I have always thought that you are a good friend. If there are times when you are upset, you are always welcome to talk to me about it. I will be there for you, to make it all alright. I am always on your side!
最后一句不太适合用support you~ 呵呵
Remember the times when we laughed together,encouraged each other?Although there were some misunderstandings between us, yet we are still good buddies. I don't believe that any friendship can last a lifetime, but I will cherish our friendship. I am not sure about how you think of it, but I have always thought that you are a good friend. If there are times when you are upset, you are always welcome to talk to me about it. I will be there for you, to make it all alright. I am always on your side!
最后一句不太适合用support you~ 呵呵
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