早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
下面是一个人的听力独白 题目是说这个人是谁 然后答案是劫机者 但是我看了很久就是没看出来 请问怎么看出来他是劫机者的啊
Everybody agrees I'm just ordinary.My face is ordinary,my voice is ordinary,my clothes are ordinary.Everything about me is ordinary.'What's Frank like?' they say.'Frank?Oh—you know,ordinary.' they say.Now look at that man two rows in front.He's not ordinary.In fact I can't see anybody apart from me who is.Even this fellow next to me.Quite ordinary on the whole,I suppose.But there's something a bit ...something a bit odd about his mouth.Mustn't catch his eye.Might start a conversation.Don't want that.Interesting that he was just in front of me in the queue.
They looked in his bag,they looked in his pockets—made him take his shoes off even.Mm—they've nearly finished with the food—though she didn't take my glass when she collected my tray.Ah—she's pressed her button again.Probably wants another gin and tonic.Had four already.Or is it five?Not bad,though.At least not in this light.Good—some of them are getting their blankets down now.I reckon that in about half an hour it'll all be quiet.And then ...Of course they looked in my briefcase too.Didn't look here,though,did they?Oh,no.Hah!Though they think otherwise,I know very well who those two in the back row are.Noticed them when I went to the toilet.But they won't shoot.Not as long as I have this in my hand,they won't.And it's so small.Marvellous what they can do these days.Just about now,if I were sitting in funny mouth's seat and not by the aisle—just about now,I could probably look down and see the mountains gleaming in the moonlight.I like that.Mm.Well,now I must go over my speech again.Mustn't forget what my demands are,must
下面是一个人的听力独白 题目是说这个人是谁 然后答案是劫机者 但是我看了很久就是没看出来 请问怎么看出来他是劫机者的啊
Everybody agrees I'm just ordinary.My face is ordinary,my voice is ordinary,my clothes are ordinary.Everything about me is ordinary.'What's Frank like?' they say.'Frank?Oh—you know,ordinary.' they say.Now look at that man two rows in front.He's not ordinary.In fact I can't see anybody apart from me who is.Even this fellow next to me.Quite ordinary on the whole,I suppose.But there's something a bit ...something a bit odd about his mouth.Mustn't catch his eye.Might start a conversation.Don't want that.Interesting that he was just in front of me in the queue.
They looked in his bag,they looked in his pockets—made him take his shoes off even.Mm—they've nearly finished with the food—though she didn't take my glass when she collected my tray.Ah—she's pressed her button again.Probably wants another gin and tonic.Had four already.Or is it five?Not bad,though.At least not in this light.Good—some of them are getting their blankets down now.I reckon that in about half an hour it'll all be quiet.And then ...Of course they looked in my briefcase too.Didn't look here,though,did they?Oh,no.Hah!Though they think otherwise,I know very well who those two in the back row are.Noticed them when I went to the toilet.But they won't shoot.Not as long as I have this in my hand,they won't.And it's so small.Marvellous what they can do these days.Just about now,if I were sitting in funny mouth's seat and not by the aisle—just about now,I could probably look down and see the mountains gleaming in the moonlight.I like that.Mm.Well,now I must go over my speech again.Mustn't forget what my demands are,must
Noticed them when I went to the toilet.But they won't shoot.Not as long as I have this in my hand,they won't.And it's so small.
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