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A year ago,my son Michael,who had just graduated from high school,had to choose between two summer jobs.He could work either at my basketball camp(61)___at one of the horse farms in the Lexington,Kentucky,area.It was his choice.He(62)___ (choose) the horse farm,because he was tired of working my camps,and he thought he could make more money at the horse farm.But(63)___only a few days he realized he hated it.Farm work is hard,and he was spending most of his time(64)___ (walk)horses on a treadmill and shoveling manure.One day a couple of weeks into the summer he came to me and said he'd made a mistake and(65)___ rather work at my basketball camp.
   I understood,but I told him that he'd made a commitment and now he was going to have to follow through with it,no matter(66)___unpleasant.Quitting was not an option.
   Sometimes,of course,we fail to accomplish our goals.But we have to remember that failure is a part of life and failure is only fertilizer for future success.I've often heard people say that failure teaches us(67)___.I don't believe it.There are so many lessons we can learn(68)___ failure.Most of all,we learn what (69)___to do.It's like the child who touches the hot stove,and then keeps doing it.The first time is part of the learning process.The second time it's stupid.
     The only time failure is truly bad is if you use it(70)___ an excuse to quit.
61.or 考查介词.此处是一个固定短语,either…or…表示或者…或者…
62.chose 考查动词.根据前句的It was his choice.,这是他的选择,所以此处填choice的动词形式,即chose.
63.after 考查介词.根据句意可知,after在…之后,在很多天后,他意识到他讨厌这份工作.
64.walking 考查分词.此处spend+时间+doing sth 花时间做做某事.
65.would 考查情态动词.would rather do意思是宁愿做某事,句意为他宁愿在篮球俱乐部工作.
66.how 考查连接词.根据后面的unpleasant可知,前面需how,表示无论多不高兴.
67.nothing 考查代词.根据后面的句子I don't believe it我不相信他.可见,很多人常说他们从失败中什么都学不到.
68.from考查介词.考查固定短语,learn from,意思是从…里学到.
69.not 考查否定词.根据前句说我们从失败中学到很多经验,但是大多数人学到都不做什么.
70.as 考查介词.句意为如果你把失败当做是放弃的借口,那失败真的是不好的.